Welcome to OpenAnime!

This is an open anime project where everyone can use the resources to learn Japanese animation. The project started on 3rd Oct 2023 and finally became public on 26th Feb 2024. Contents are added slowly as I make my portfolio. Therefore, everything here will be a work-in-progress.

Disclaimer: I am not an industry professional. I am learning to become one.

Special thanks to animator Nai for correcting and optimizing my notations and timesheets.


General Knowledge

Software and plugins used in Japanese Animation
Resolution/paper size of Japanese Animation
FPS of Japanese Animation
Genga (原画)
Douga (動画)
Character Sheets
Eight-frame Walk Cycle
Ten-frame Walk Cycle
Humanoid Character Rotation References


Character Settei (キャラクター設定)
Scenario (シナリオ)
Storyboard (絵コンテ)
Genga (原画) & Douga (動画)